‘Intriguing. Captivating. Gripping. Enthralling. I was deeply moved by this debut novel, which is sensitively and powerfully written by a talented new author with an impressive sense of style and a keen eye for detail. Will the lovers be separated across multiple universes forever? Roll on the sequel!’

– Adrienne Pretorius (freelance editor for over 30 years)

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Why you should buy this book

A unique story
Slow start leading to explosive content
A beautiful love story that tests true love
Where Sci-fi Fantasy meets Romance
whats inside

UNJU - The Jump

Emma feels her body sinking into the unknown before she wakes in confusion. Her daughter is asleep next to her. Struggling with severe nyctophobia, the young child clings to her mother at night, ever fearful of the monsters living in her vivid imagination. Emma shrugs her own persisting lucid dreams as nothing more while feeling constrained by the mundane life she shares with her husband Dean. Peculiar visions and unsettling dreams lead her to a mysterious man inside her dream world. Waking up again after another lucid dream, she is not back in her room with her daughter but finds herself in unfamiliar surroundings which sets her off on a discovery of things that she has forgotten.
The story follows the life of Kathrine Slater, ripped away from her loving parents at a young age and forced to work for the Corrupted United Nations where she is taken in by Lila, a loving member of the mysterious First Family.
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Adrienne Pretorius

‘Intriguing. Captivating. Gripping. Enthralling. I was deeply moved by this debut novel, which is sensitively and powerfully written by a talented new author with an impressive sense of style and a keen eye for detail. Will the lovers be separated across multiple universes forever? Roll on the sequel!’